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Business planning for your English School

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Business planning for your English School

04 abr - 2024 • 20:00 > 04 abr - 2024 • 21:00

Evento Online via Zoom

Descrição do evento

About the session:

This workshop aims to empower English teachers turned entrepreneurs with the essential administrative skills necessary for the success and sustainability of their language schools. Participants will embark on a comprehensive journey through the step-by-step process of establishing and managing an English school, gaining valuable insights into key administrative topics. From creating a robust business plan to developing strategic marketing approaches, financial management, and staff recruitment, Rafael will provide practical tools and tips to navigate the challenges faced by language school owners. Drawing on his extensive experience in the education and business sectors, he will engage participants in interactive sessions, encouraging collaborative problem-solving and sharing of best practices. Attendees can expect to leave the workshop equipped with a solid understanding of the fundamental elements required for effective business planning, ensuring the long-term success and growth of their English schools. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your passion for teaching into a thriving and sustainable venture. 

About the speaker:

Rafael Farias is the entrepreneurial force behind GT English. Armed with a Bachelor of Commerce (International Business Marketing) from PUC and certifications from Cambridge CELTA and Cambridge Train the Trainer, he brings a decade of teaching expertise, specializing in Business English.

As the visionary founder of GT English, Rafael intertwines his passion for quality education and international business, creating a unique blend of teaching tailored to executives. His commitment to challenging traditional approaches and fostering innovative learning methods is evident in the foundation of GT English.

Rafael's influence extends beyond the classroom, as he frequently participates in networking events for business leaders, establishing connections that enrich the educational landscape. With a solid academic background and a commitment to professional growth, Rafael is posed to make an impact in the realm of Business English, shaping the future of executive education.

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Sobre o produtor

GT Academy

Embark on a transformative journey with GT Academy, the newest branch of GT English dedicated to teacher professional development. Breaking away from traditional teacher training, GT Academy prioritizes educators' growth over profit. We empower teachers with essential skills and passion for outstanding English language education through specialized training, workshops, and cutting-edge materials. Join us in shaping the future of language education, where innovation meets excellence!

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