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Webinar Long Term Ecological Research Sites Latin America

08 nov - 2021 • 09:00 > 12 nov - 2021 • 14:00

Evento Online via https://www.ilter.com.br/
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Descrição do evento

Webinar Long Term Ecological Research Sites – Latin America 

Dates: Dates: 8th and 12th Nov. 2021

From 8:30 am to 12:30 pm (Brasília time)

The purpose of this proposal is to organize a scientific seminar on the Long Term Ecological Sites in South America in conjunction with the meeting of the Coordinators Committee of the International Long Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER).

Long-term ecological studies are fundamental to provide crucial information in ecology facing environmental changes, natural resource management, and biodiversity conservation. Lindenmayer et al. (2012) identified five key values of such studies: (1) quantifying ecological responses to drivers of ecosystem change; (2) understanding complex ecosystem processes that occur over extended periods; (3) providing essential ecological data that can be used to develop theoretical ecological models and to parameterize and validate simulation models; (4) acting as platforms for collaborative studies, thereby promoting multidisciplinary research; and (5) providing ecological data at scales relevant to management, therefore critically supporting evidence-based policy, decision making, and ecosystem management.

Long-term ecological research is fundamental to addressing emerging large-scale problems such as natural resource management for a rapidly growing human population, mass extinction of species, climate change detection, mitigation, and adaptation.

The ecological research community in South America can improve scientific exchange and coordinate ongoing efforts openly and collaboratively to ensure that long-term ecological studies are effectively-known and their results are fully available.

The event will be remote using the Zoom platform and streaming through YouTube. Presentations cover the selected Focus themes considering terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal marine ecosystems, biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of naural resources, global change, and ecological interactions.

The webinar is organized by the Brazilian Long Term Ecological Research Program under the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) coordination.

For more information about the Brazilian LTER, please access: https://www.gov.br/cnpq/pt-br/acesso-a-informacao/acoes-e-programas/programas/peld


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