08 mar - 2022 • 10:00 > 09 mar - 2022 • 13:00
08 mar - 2022 • 10:00 > 09 mar - 2022 • 13:00
G8 Latin Euromerican Insolvency and Restructuring Program - Roundtable Sessions
Day 1 – TUE MAR 8th -
G8 Country’s Insolvency Systems
Day 2 – WED MAR 9th –
Cross-Border Insolvency Cases
G8 Leaders - Latin America
André Ferreira da Rosa Rocha
Luis Palomino
Diana Rivera
Juan Luis Goldenberg
G8 Leaders - Latin Europe
Nathalie Leboucher
Luciano Panzani
Jose Pajares
Teresa Pitôrra
UNCITRAL - Legal Officers
José Angelo Estrella Faria
Caroline Nicholas
Samira Mussayeva
Benjamin Herisset
Marianela Bruno Pollero
Miriana Belhadj
Jean-Luc Vallens
Lucio Ghia
Luis Meján
Thomas Felsberg
The Ibero-American Institute of Bankruptcy Law is an academic institution created in Barranquilla (at the time of its first Congress in 2005) with permanent headquarters in the City of Mexico that brings together a community of professionals interested in the development of scientific research of bankruptcy law. Since the first presidency of its founder, Jesús María Sanguino Sánchez and until today, the founding members have been joined by many professors, academics, doctrinaires, and lawyers and accounting science professionals with notable practice in their activity, both in Latin America and Europe, consolidating a field of debate and scientific development, playing a leading role in discussions and in the development of solutions on the various topics of the matter. The IIDC has professionals and academics from various countries (including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, Spain, Italy and Portugal), and with different national chapters that are part, in the same way of a Federation of our entity.
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O IBAJUD – Instituto Brasileiro da Insolvência é uma organização constituída sob a forma de associação, sem fins econômicos, que tem por objetivo promover a melhoria contínua na área da Insolvência, por meio de iniciativas diversas, tais como: congressos, seminários, debates, cursos de formação e reciclagem dos Agentes da Insolvência, métricas de performance, convênios, grupos de trabalho e todos os esforços que melhorem o ambiente da prestação jurisdicional da Recuperação Judicial, da Falência.
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