22 out - 2021 • 14:00 > 22 out - 2021 • 16:00
22 out - 2021 • 14:00 > 22 out - 2021 • 16:00
This free webinar is part of Mecsol 2022's Webinar Series. Visit our website to see the list of all webinars.
Structures and components under impact loading
Prof. Marcílio Alves - University of São Paulo (USP)
Structures and components, when subject to high intense and dynamic loading, present a complex response, exposing inertia effects, material nonlinear response, wave propagation, failure and other phenomena. Such a multitude of aspects require an integrated approach of analysis, where experimental techniques, numerical analysis and a firm theoretical background should all be put at use on what they have of more advanced. Here, some of these aspects of impact engineering are presented based on a wide collection of studies. Examples include human body response to crash accidents, impact on plates and shells, measurement of dynamic strength properties of materials, behavior of additive manufacturing components under impact loading, failure of materials, scaling of structures, ship collision, etc.
Chaired by Prof. Marco Lúcio Bittencourt - University of Campinas (Unicamp)
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Mecsol 2022 - 8th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics
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