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Mysterium coniunctionis through the union of the sacred masculine with the sacred feminine

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Mysterium coniunctionis through the union of the sacred masculine with the sacred feminine

The acess to the four elements, YHVH

Por Dóris M. Fabiano


Conteúdos gravados

O que você aprenderá

Each one in their spiritual development will be able to experience the presence of deities
You will treat your chakras for greek gods, the Great Father, Mother, Son and daughter
You will learn about the 4 elements and the greek gods and will be taken care of by them

Descrição do evento

With the Great father, mother, son and daughter and through the videos, book lessons and meditations in video you will receive the presence of this gods in your life.

You will learn the meditations cited in this book:

Garden of Eden: Blessings of Paradise, you will receive initiation to the Tree of Life and the 4 elements.

You will learn the meditations mentioned in this book that brings the accounts of active imaginations with Uranus, Gaia, Adam Kadmon, Eve, comparing the Greek and Kabbalistic creation systems.

Learn how active imaginations or lucid dreams were with these gods who are our primordial parents and see the comparisons of these experiences with the Zohar, with Isaac Luria, see what our spiritual anatomy called the Tree of life looks like and how we can bring contact with our creator through intermediation with that spiritual anatomy which is called Eros, Adam or Tree of Life.

Get to know the Spheres of the Tree of Life in our body and how this system influences and commands our life.

Get to know in this course God's proposal to cleanse the bad influences that circulate our being creating diseases and misfortunes.

Learn how to focus on your goals having a clear path to your accomplishments and projects.

Create your new world from the protection of our primordial Father Uranus and our holy family.

Topics of this course

Preparation for initiation

What are the 4 elements?

The four elements

Why treat the chakras?

Treating the chacras

The union of masculine and feminine sacred

I invite you to receive the presence of the Great Father Uranus and the 4 elements

The union of Urano, Selene and Gaia

How to receive the presence of Uranus

Releasing bad influences and improving the individuation process



ic-radio-activeFor people who want to have a spiritual experience with the deities of the collective unconscious
ic-radio-activeFor people who wish to develop the skills to have contact with deities
ic-radio-activeFor anyone who wants to meet angels and have them in their life
ic-radio-activeFor those who want to evolve spiritually
ic-radio-activeFor those looking for self-knowledge
ic-radio-activeFor those who want to practice active imagination
ic-radio-activeFor those who want to know the four elements
ic-radio-activeFor those who like Greek mythology
ic-radio-activeFor those who like angels
ic-radio-activeFor those who like comparative religion

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Sobre o produtor


Dóris M. Fabiano

Terapeuta artistica (UNIP) e vibracional (UNIFRAN) trabalha há 20 anos com a imaginação ativa junguiana facilitando para as pessoas o contato com o divino através de livros, workshops, da prática da Alquimia com produtos vegetais usados nos sabonetes artesanais vegetais, em flores, argilas, óleos, óleos essenciais. A mitologia grega, hindu, egípcia, a Cabala são os fundamentos de seu trabalho assim como a psicologia arquetípica e o trabalho com sonhos.

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