Produza seus eventos aqui!
crie seu eventoTrago a vocês a facilitação da experiência da imaginação ativa ou sonho lúcido com o sagrado. Sou especialista em arteterapia pela Unip com foco em Carl Gustav Jung, em terapias vibracionais pela UNIFRAN com ênfase em Florais, Fitoterapia, Cura prânica, Aromaterapia, Cristais, Reiki nível 1, 2 e 3. Meu objetivo é trazer para as pessoas a imaginação ativa com o sagrado e através de maneiras muito criativas às quais aprendi e vivenciei com a prática da imaginação ativa em companhia de Jesus, dos Mestres da Fraternidade Branca, de deuses gregos, hindus, egípcios e de anjos cabalísticos.
O uso dos símbolos dos deuses, anjos, raios, para a saúde física, para os chacras, para individuação, feitos no momento da imaginação ativa é muito amplo e com as vibrações que eles emanam podemos criar vídeos curadores, cosméticos, alquimia, sempre envolvendo a prática da imaginação ativa.
Neste canal trarei cursos e palestras baseados nos livros que escrevi onde você poderá acompanhar explicações e um maior detalhamento dos trechos dos livros e poder vivenciar essas práticas de forma prática.
Os livros contam muitas estórias e experiências que surgiram com essa prática ao longo de 20 anos com o divino e também os resultados do uso dos cremes hidratantes e águas carregados com as vibrações divinas. Você saberá exatamente como usá-los e poderá unir a leitura dos livros com o uso dos produtos que criam a imaginação ativa com o sagrado. Assim você também poderá criar suas próprias estórias e ter suas próprias experiências inserindo no mundo dos sonhos, os benefícios das companhia de deuses, anjos e mestres assim como de arquetipos para o equilibrio físico, emocional e espiritual.
Visite também o website:
Cursos de educação continuada que realizei:
Restoring Mind, Body, and Spirit: A Professional Training Program, Sean Fitzpatrick (PhD, LPC), Juanita Rasmus (MTS), The Jung Center of Houston.
Your Creative Spirit:
life is a creative expression of who you are.
summit helps you give expression to your authenticity, follow your own path and
realize your talent.
Meade - Mythic Imagination and Creativity
Klerk - Creative Spirit and Dreams
Moore - Soulful Creativity
Bosnak - Inviting the Creative Genius into Your Life
Aizenstat - Creativity as an Expression of the Soul
Wangyal Rinpoche - Expressing Spontaneous Creativity
Harvey - Divine Creativity
P. Slattery - The Deep Source of Creativity
Michael Meade course - 2022
in a World Gone Wrong
James Hollis course - 2022
Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives
2022 –
HARWARDX – Paul’s letters.
2021 The
Path to Happiness What Chinese Philosophy Teaches us about the Good Life.
2021 Become who you truly are. Introduction to Individuation by John van
The Feminine Erotic Soul and Individuation by Erica
The Individuation Process: Finding Your Way Back Home by
Robert Romanyshyn
Becoming Who You Aren't Yet by Robert Bosnak
The Goddesses and Gods in Every One of Us by Jean
Shinoda Bolen
Coronavirus; A Collective Nightmare in the service of
Individuation by Robert Moradi
Engaging with Your Genius by Michael Meade
Embodiment, Movement and Consciousness by Tina Stromsted
A Slight Revisioned Take on Individuation by Patricia
Healing through the Imaginal Realm by Erica Lorentz
Inviting the Creative Genius by Robert Bosnak
2020 - Active
Imagination & The Use of Images in Jungian Analysis with:
Dr. Murray Stein & Dr. Paul Brutsche
2021 - An Introduction to Alchemy For Everyday Life - Robert Bosnak
2021 - Desenvolvimento de produtos Veduca Edtech USP
2021 - Gestão de inovação Veduca Edtech USP
2021 - Gestão de projetos Veduca Edtech USP
2021 - Spooke dreams café, every week for 6 months with Robert Bosnak
2021 – The call and purpose - 12 World-Class Jungian Analysts and Depth Psychology Luminaries
The call
and Purpose com: James Hollis The Call & Purpose in Jungian Psychology,
Young-Eisendrath Finding Purpose Through Relationships,
Slattery What is My Myth?,
Shinoda Bolen Life-Threatening Illness as a Soul Journey,
Bosnak Alchemy; Everything Wants to Become Gold,
Meade The Genius,
Harvey The Call to Radical Regeneration,
Scruggs The Search for Meaning in Adolescence,
Klerk Heartbreak and Its Invitations,
James Synchronicity and The Personal Journey,
Berry Goal & Purpose,
Aizenstat Dreams as Your Soul's Guide. Jung Platform.
2021 -
Starting the Meditation Practice – Tenzin Rinpoche
1 -
Connecting with Your Inner Stillness and Silence- Introduction to Connecting
with Your Inner Stillness and Silence
Benefits of Spiritual Practice & Meditation - Six brief videos that explore
the benefits of developing a meditation practice.
Correct Posture for Meditation - The proper method to sit for meditation.
Meditating on Stillness & Spaciousness - Instructions and guided
meditation on stillness of the body.
Dedicating Our Practice - How and why we dedicate our practice at the end of
each session.
Dedication Prayer - In English and Tibetan.
- Guided
Meditation on Stillness and Spaciousness with Dedication - A guided practice
that combined all the techniques taught in this course
2. Using
the Breath to Calm the Mind
Introduction to Using the Breath to Calm the Mind - Overview and instructions
for the second section of the course
Introduction to the 9 Breathings of Purification - Tenzin Rinpoche introduces
the purpose and method of the 9 Breathings technique
- Guided
Meditation using the 9 Breathings, Stillness & Dedication - A guided
practice that combines all the elements learned in the first two sections of
the course
- 9
Breathings written Practice
- The
Three Channels
Expanding Your Meditation Practice through Calm Abiding
Introduction to Calm Abiding - Overview and instructions for the third section
of the course
- Introduction
to the Practice of Calm Abiding Zhine - The role of calm abiding in meditation
The Method and Result of Calm Abiding - How to practice calm abiding, and
the resulting expansion of our awareness.
4. Awakening
the Sacred Body with Tsa Lung
Introduction to Awakening the Sacred Body with Tsa Lung - Overview and
instructions for the fourth section of the course.
Tsa Lung Explanation and Demonstration - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
describes the principles of the tsa lung exercises and demonstrates the five
- Tsa Lung
written Practice Guide - A simple introduction to the Tsa Lung practices.
2021 – Harwardx
Pau’s letters
Ancient Greek
Through Its Scriptures.
The Path
to Happiness.
Through Its Scriptures.
Through Its Scriptures.