23 mai - 2017 • 09:00 > 23 mai - 2017 • 18:00
Reproducibility and Transparency in the Social Sciences is a regional scientific event that has the support of the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS), Center for Open Science (OSF) and Institute for Social, Political and Economic Research (IPESPE).
The workshop tries to offer
to its participants, by the means of a multidisciplinary approach, the
comprehension of the best practices in terms of open and replicable
research in the Social Sciences. The agenda will be composed of
professionals with expertise in scientific transparency and there will
be a space for collaborative work and training of the participants.
Promoted by the Methods and Research Techniques in Political Science
(MPCP/UFPE), the workshop is aimed for professionals of differents areas
of knowledge, from Political Sciences to Economy, besides other
correlated areas.
In particular, the target audience entails both graduate and undergraduate students, as well as independent researchers that are interested to employ the replication and transparency in question to their proposals.
Avenida Professor Moraes Rego, 1235 Cidade Universitária
Recife, PE
Grupo de Métodos de Pesquisa em Ciência Política
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