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5th Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power

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5th Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power

18 nov - 2020 • 08:30 > 19 nov - 2020 • 13:10

Evento en Línea a través de Google Meet
Evento cerrado

5th Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power

18 nov - 2020 • 08:30 > 19 nov - 2020 • 13:10

Evento en Línea a través de Google Meet
Evento cerrado

Descripción del evento

The WIEFP is an opportunity to discuss with distinguished researchers, professors, managers and engineers working on fluid power components and systems as well as with experts from motivating application fields. Besides the presentations from invited speakers from industry and academia, the workshop will have selected presentations from engineers in industry, and master’s and doctoral students.

The WIEFP2020 – 5th Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power is a Swedish-Brazilian initiative started in 2012 focused to promote collaboration in the development of technologies, education, innovation management, methods and tools for hydraulic and pneumatic system development and design. The first two editions occurred in São Paulo, at the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment (ABIMAQ) headquarters. The 3rd edition, WIEFP2016 occurred in Florianópolis together with the FPNI2016, at the Campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). The WIEFP2018 was held again in São Paulo at the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment (ABIMAQ) headquarters. This year the pandemic forces us to move the event on-line. As much as we would like to have a physical meeting, we like to see this also as an opportunity to have a greater participation when people can participate from the comfort of their homes.

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Acerca del productor


The WIEFP2020 is organized by Federal University Santa Catarina (UFSC), Linköping University (LiU), Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Swedish-Brazilian Research and Innovation Center (CISB), and Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Industrial Automation Equipment Sectorial Chamber (CSHPA/ABIMAQ).

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